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What song/rhyme shall we sing today? chart
(Ref: SB3054)
An additional chart for your SparkleBox Classroom Calendar where children can pin up which songs/rhymes they wish to sing each day.
Calendar for Smartboard shared by Jackie Arslett
An interactive daily calendar activity for IWB (Smart Notebook).
Calendar years on rockets (Ref: SB962)
Display these along with our Days and Months on rockets and Calendar numbers on planets to make a fantastic space-themed classroom calendar display.
Classroom daily calendar display set (Ref: SB88)
A printable daily calendar for displaying in the classroom.  Laminate the different elements and each day you can blue-tack on the day’s name and appropriate weather symbol.  Also includes months and dates.
Today’s Date display banners (Ref: SB5313)
Colour banners for your classroom calendar display.
Our Calendar display banners (Ref: SB5314)
Colour banners for your classroom calendar display.
Classroom calendar display headings
Yesterday, today, tomorrow planets (Ref: SB567)
Display these along with our Days and Months Word Rockets and Calendar Numbers on Planets to make a fantastic space-themed classroom calendar display.
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Classroom weather chart display set (Ref: SB7185)
A printable daily weather chart for displaying in the classroom.  Laminate the different elements and each day you can affix the appropriate weather symbol and mark the temperature on the thermometer.
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Date and Weather display banner (Ref: SB4744)
A colourful ‘Date and Weather’ banner for use on your classroom calendar board.
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What’s the date? flash cards (Ref: SB3203)
A set of printable flash cards to accompany the Phase 5 ‘What’s the date?’ activity outlined in the DCSF ‘Numbers and Patterns’ publication (PDF page 109).
Date cards (Ref: SB8733)
Printable cards with dates from 1st to 31st.  Great for use on your classroom calendar display.
Classroom daily calendar display set - cursive
(Ref: SB421)
A printable daily calendar for displaying in the classroom.  Laminate the different elements and each day you can blue-tack on the day’s name and appropriate weather symbol.  Also includes months and dates.