Sea of Sounds phonics resources
Exclusive Toolbar Resource
Exclusive Toolbar Resource
The Sea of Sounds range integrates a colourful ‘underwater’ theme together with fun phonics activities to introduce children to the alphabet sounds a-z. For a rationale behind our Sea of Sounds phonics resources and ideas of how to implement it in your setting, click here.
Select an alphabet sound below to view the relevant resource listings:
Alphabet on fish - cursive (Ref: SB683)
To accompany our Sea of Sounds range of resources. A fish for each letter of the alphabet.
Alphabet on fish (Ref: SB17)
To accompany our Sea of Sounds range of resources. A fish for each letter of the alphabet.
Alphabet on fish - capitals (Ref: SB803)
To accompany our Sea of Sounds range of resources. A fish for each letter of the alphabet.
Sea of Sounds alphabet display banner (Ref: SB5291)
A colourful banner with the lowercase and uppercase alphabet sounds for your ‘Sea of Sounds’ display. (Designed to accompany our Sea of Sounds phonics resources).