Exclusive Toolbar Resource
CVC word wheels - initial sounds (Ref: SB3065)
Printable word wheels making CVC words. Children first make the word to match the picture, then construct other CVC words by changing the initial consonant.
CVC word wheels - final sounds (Ref: SB3399)
Printable word wheels making CVC words. Children first make the word to match the picture, then construct other CVC words by changing the final consonant.
sh, ch, th initial sound word wheels (Ref: SB3490)
Printable word wheels making words beginning with sh, ch and th. Children first make the word to match the picture, then construct other words by turning the wheel.
Initial blends/clusters phonics word wheels
(Ref: SB3491)
29 printable word wheels with different initial consonant blends/clusters. Children first make the word to match the picture, then construct other words by turning the wheel.
ss, ff, ll, zz and ck final sound word wheels
(Ref: SB3498)
Printable word wheels making words ending in ss, ff, ll, zz, ck. Children first make the word to match the picture, then construct other words by turning the wheel.