Reception keywords on crabs (Ref: SB142)
A set of crab images (PNG format) with the 45 high-frequency words for Reception. Great for use in your own resources.
Year 1/2 keywords on crabs (Ref: SB281)
A set of crab images (PNG format) with the 115 high-frequency words for Key Stage One. Great for use in your own resources.
Reception keywords on ocean images (Ref: SB623)
A colourful set of high-quality images (PNG format) featuring the 45 high-frequency words for Reception. Each word is presented on an ocean related image. These would be brilliant for use in classroom displays, or could be laminated and used for a variety of games and activities.
Crab keywords screensaver (Ref: SB141)
Watch as the crabs crawl across the sand with keywords on their backs. Your kids will really like reading the words when they appear, and watch out for a whole crowd of crabs at the end!
100 high-frequency words on fish (Ref: SB911)
The 100 high-frequency words as specified in the DfES ‘Letters and Sounds’ publication presented on colourful tropical-style fish. Great for classroom keyword displays or if laminated and used for outdoor keyword hunts. Could also be used in conjunction with our Sea of Sounds resources.
100 high-frequency words on crabs (Ref: SB949)
The 100 high-frequency words as specified in the DfES ‘Letters and Sounds’ publication presented on crabs. Great for a sea-themed classroom keyword display or if laminated and used for outdoor keyword hunts.
200 common words on fish (Ref: SB2993)
The 200 common words as specified in the DfES ‘Letters and Sounds’ publication presented on colourful tropical-style fish. Great for classroom keyword displays or if laminated and used for outdoor keyword hunts. Could also be used in conjunction with our Sea of Sounds resources.
100 high-frequency words on sailing boats
(Ref: SB5193)
The 100 high-frequency words as specified in the DfES ‘Letters and Sounds’ publication presented on sail boats. Great for classroom keyword displays and activities.
Days and months on jellyfish (Ref: SB5451)
The days of the week and months of the year presented on cartoon jellyfish.
Tricky words on fish (Ref: SB5802)
Tricky words presented on colourful tropical-style fish.
Sea-themed words and vocabulary resources
Days and months on sailing boats (Ref: SB6002)
The days of the week and months of the year presented on sail boats.
Ocean/under the sea topic
100 high-frequency words on Titanic ships
(Ref: SB9106)
100 high-frequency words presented on Titanic ships.