Pumpkin soup recipe sheets (Ref: SB3206)
A useful set of visual aids showing how to make a simple pumpkin soup. It includes instructional text and a list of ingredients. Also perfect for use in a classroom display.
Vegetable soup recipe sheets (Ref: SB720)
A useful set of simple visual aids showing how to make a vegetable soup in 6 steps. It includes instructional text and a list of ingredients and accompanying pictures. These could be laminated and used when actually making the soup, or for classroom displays and discussion afterwards.
Pizza-making instructions (Ref: SB498)
A fun sheet where children order the instructions on the pizza slices and stick together to make their own pizza!
Pizza-making instructions - black and white
(Ref: SB501)
A fun sheet where children order the instructions on the pizza slices and stick together to make their own pizza! (Black and white for easy photocopying).
Write-your-own pizza-making instructions
(Ref: SB506)
A set of 4 sheets (each slightly different to suit your needs) with a pizza template where children can write their own instructions on each pizza slice.
Potato latke recipe sheets (Hanukkah) (Ref: SB1075)
A great set of recipe sheets showing instructions for making latkes for the Jewish celebration of Hanukkah. The sheets include clear, simple pictures and easy-to-read instructions as well as a list of instructions. Ideal for use when making the latkes or for discussion afterwards.
Toasty recipe sheets (Ref: SB1703)
A useful set of simple visual aids showing how to make toasties in 8 steps. It includes instructional text and a list of ingredients. Also perfect for use in a classroom display.
Toasty recipe sheets - vegetarian (Ref: SB1704)
A useful set of simple visual aids showing how to make vegetarian toasties in 9 steps. It includes instructional text and a list of ingredients. Also perfect for use in a classroom display.
Omelette recipe sheets (Ref: SB2259)
A useful set of simple visual aids showing how to make a cheese omelette in 8 steps. It includes instructional text and a list of ingredients. Also ideal for use in a classroom display.
Porridge recipe sheets (Ref: SB693)
A useful set of visual aids showing how to make a porridge in 6 steps. It includes instructional text and a list of ingredients together with large, simple pictures.
Pancake recipe sheets (Ref: SB636)
A useful set of visual aids showing how to make a pancake in 6 steps. It includes instructional text and a list of ingredients, together with a sheet that can be photocopied for children to sequence the pictures.
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