Celebrating World Book Day Display Banner (SB4210)
A colourful banner for a your World Book Day display.
World Book Day Posters (SB1160)
A colourful poster to display in your school for World Book Day. Includes an editable version to add the date each year.
Stories from Around The World Display Banner (SB4045)
A colourful banner for a display about traditional stories from around the world.
One World, Many Stories Display Banner (SB4056)
A colourful banner for a display about stories from around the world.
Celebrating Book Week Banner (SB4951)
A printable banner for your Book Week display.
Book Week Posters (SB1158)
A set of 5 colourful posters to display in your school for Book Week.
A4 Book Review Writing Frame (SB6500)
A simple one-page book review writing frame.
Book Review Booklet (SB6501)
A set of sheets that can be assembled into an A5 folded booklet to give to pupils. Includes useful headings and questions to help children write their book reviews.
Guided Reading Follow-Up Question Cards (SB7134)
A set of question cards that children can pick or turn over after reading to prompt discussion or writing about their book.
Guided Reading Follow-Up Question Cards (SB7137)
A set of question cards that children can pick or turn over after reading to prompt discussion or writing about their book.
Book Recommendation Posters (SB8642)
A set of posters for you to recommend books to your class. Includes editable A4 posters with space for book titles/images as well as display headings and A3 posters that you can lean the actual books up against.