Numbers in 4s on Quad Bikes (SB9179)
The numbers in 4s to 100 presented on quad bikes.
Counting in 4s Square Corners Posters (SB9395)
A set of printable posters featuring squares for counting in 4s. Includes number posters and number sentence posters.
4 Times Table Worksheets (SB9396)
A set of simple worksheets where children count the corners and complete 4 times table number sentences.
Number Snake - 4s to 100 (SB6732)
Assemble these snake segments in your classroom to show numbers in 4s up to 100. A fun and colourful means of reinforcing the 4 times table. Each segment is A4 sized but can be printed smaller using Adobe Reader’s ‘page scaling’ function if needed.
Numbers in 4s to 100 on Rockets (SB9674)
The numbers in multiples of 4 up to 100 on rockets.