Numbers 0-50 on Snakes (SB3935)
The numbers from 0 to 50 presented on a snake character.
Number Snake Images (5s to 20) (SB136)
A set of images which can be printed out and joined together to make a brightly-coloured snake counting in fives number line for your classroom.
Number Snake Images (5s to 100) (SB137)
A set of 23 images which can be printed out and joined together to make a brightly-coloured snake counting in fives number line for your classroom. Numbers in fives up to 100.
Number Snake Images (2s to 20) (SB138)
A set of 13 images which can be printed out and joined together to make a brightly-coloured snake counting in fives number line for your classroom. Numbers in twos up to 20.
Number Snake Images (0 to 100) (SB140)
A set of 113 images which can be printed and fitted together to make a snake number line. Includes a separate head and tale along with sections with numerals 0 to 100. Odd and even sections are different colours to aid counting in twos.
Number Snake Images (3s to 99) (SB573)
36 images to make a long snake number line. The numbers go up in threes to 99, but the head and tail of the snake are separate so that you can make your number line as long as you want.
Number Snake Images (10s to 100) (SB152)
A set of images which can be printed out and joined together to make a brightly-coloured snake counting in tens number line for your classroom.
Number Snake Images (0 to 20) (SB151)
A set of 23 images which can be printed and fitted together to make a snake number line counting in ones from 0 up to 20. This would make a colourful addition to your classroom!
Coloured Snake Images (SB1691)
A set of snake segments (head, body and tail) in different colours to which you can add your own keywords, letters, numbers or other text and hang in the classroom.