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British Idioms Cliches Teaching Resources

British Idioms Cliches


Example British Idioms and Clichés List
A selection of example British idioms and clichés
avoid like the plague
beat about the bush
believe it or not
break a leg
bull in a china shop
chip on your shoulder
come apart at the seams
don’t count your chickens
get fired
get the sack
given up the ghost
goodie two shoes
gravy train
in for a penny
in the limelight
in the same boat
jump on the bandwagon
let the cat out of the bag
live and learn
live and let live
look on the bright side
make no bones about it
more or less
not up to it
over the top
past his prime
plenty more fish in the sea
push comes to shove
put on a brave face
raining cats and dogs
skeleton in the closet
spend a penny
straight from the horse’s mouth
taken for a ride
tighten your belt
turn over a new leaf
under the weather
white elephant
wrong side of the tracks
your name is mud

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